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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hi!!today is meredith's birthday before Me Alfred Lina Bernard Chu Mei and Su Lun go to her house,i Alfred Lina and Bernard went to macdonald in the morning to have breakfast after we finish our breakfast we went to the mrt to wait for Chu Mei and Su Lun....when they came we took the mrt and went to Yishun we had to walk to the taxi stand and wait for meredith's father to come and fetch us to her house when we reached there we all watch tv while waiting for Hannah and Pei Qi to come when they came they ate lunch at her house after that they rested awhile then we went down her house and when to the swimming pool and play it was raining then but we still played the we want up and dryed ourselves then played a game called Murderer using some cards then we went down to the swimming pool again this time we got ourselves in the pool Me Lina Alfred and Bernard got our whole body wet then when we went up we needed towels and then we used the hair dryer to dry ourselves again then we stayed up and played awhile then we ate before going down again this time we went down to play hide and seek we stood near the pool and someone complain then the security guard came and we ran off then we ran one round and went back to the pool this time the security guard came again then we ran off again but after that we went to a higher level and the security guard came again then she ask so many stupid questions then we also never reply and just walk away then went back to her house and ate some longan then played the same card game before her father sent us back we went opposite school and saw a dead bird on the road the went opposite school play awhile then when we walk back the dead bird was cleaned away..Bernard and Alfred later came my house saw me use my laptop playing some games on facebook before they went back home kays finish tell u all about today next time will say more exciting things bb!!
with loves, 10:00 PM
Sunday, August 30, 2009

I think that my blog is help reviving it pls today i went to my cuz house there play aka (nicholes wong) he was playing garena cs(counter-strike)then see him play... then i play duel masters the card game..i noe it is not that famous as then but we still can play it right????After that we went lan gaming had to wait for 1 hour before getting a was long enough then played 1 hour of comp then go SP eat eat le go arcade play play some ppl there are quite stupid they put 1 or 2 coins in and nver play then i saw one game it needed 2 coin and someone put in 1 but nver play quite stupid right????then play finish le walk home talk talk...if teachers reading this happy teacher's day if students reading this have u bought PRESENTS for ur teachers????if not go buy now it is important to them okay help revive it and i will try to post more and maybe post once in 2 days i hope if i can if not then dun blame me ok??P6 pupils wish everyone of u all the best for PSLE
with loves, 7:06 PM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

hi back in blogging sry very long never post le but really this few days nothing to post and maybe also cannot post due to PSLE scary leh... now Prelim le if fail the PSLE no hope in school very boring teacher talk we listen and do work...then recess also eat le then talk talk then go back class then mother-tongue alot ppl talk then kana stay back during supplymentry..then come home play with my friends then now doing homework kk then next i try to post more
with loves, 7:38 PM
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Back and posting again!!now life is just as normal.. school and study and using laptop these few days nothing to do lo..and today Mrs Rani come our class scold us.... talk so long scold also scold so long.. after that recess we walk down the stairs..Prakash scream and ran down the stairs what so unlucky kana mr Shoeab then Prakash dun admit make us stand there the Mr shoeab still wan us go back up and walk down...idiot le.. after that get 10 mins extra for recess then Mrs sharon yang scold us again!!!!then ask our teachers dun scold us again le 3 times in a row damn stupid lo... bb angry le wan cool down bye!
with loves, 8:02 PM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hi back in blogging i noe i dun reply taggs but dun blame me i playing my games hehe and doing work of in school damn boring... wanna sleep in class then now these few days playing GunZ with yoke thiong dun see me small hor i am pro in GunZ come play with me kk??lol now nothing to do than blog lol ok next time thing more then tell u all kk???bye!!
with loves, 3:55 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hi!!! i am back.... if u wanna ask if i am okay then here is where ur question will be answered i a bit okay alr maybe a few more days my injurys all gone liao ok???dun ask so much like how i fall,who make me fall ok today same thing more wake up shower brush teeth then eat breakfast...when going eat finish got stomachache then reach school about 6.40 then go there liao wait for 5 mins then the teachers ask us to go up so boring loh everyday wait for so long lol today take off all the bandages then people see liao laugh... got funny meh u try falling down and i laugh u think what so is funny??? the blood??? the injuries??lol i not angry lah but then u all see until i fall like very happy lidatafter school go eat liao then come back then my cousin talk about the eclipse with me tomorrow 8.40-9.40 the moon covers over the sun for 5 mins people say its bad luck very bad but i dun believe its so nice a dark circle with its side shiny so nice u all dun noe about this one.... all never read newspaper... wondering hw the space is like its full of wonders wish can go see then use com till now 7++ wan off liao go do homework bb!
with loves, 7:04 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009

today is like the worse day of my life midnight cannot sleep.. morning stomach pain then during school like nver learn anything everyone disturbing the class.... after school go minimart eat after that go back school play catching guess what happen????????? i fell and 6 finger including a elbow and 1 knee on left also injured then they all like sent me to the general office then wrap me like i am half disabled.......... then the girls busybody go tell Mdm Lee then she wan me call my parents then i call liao say dun wan go home lol.. then she ask for my father phone number..... after that give liao she come our class she call my father and tell him ask me go home then i tell him i dun wan go home again then contiune with our lesson i cannot hold a pen properly and cannot open the cap of the pen properly.. like really disabled then when wan go home liao they all say wan help carry my bag then i say dun wan cause dun wan them treat me as a real disabled person and somemore when i fell i nver cry see i so pro then reach home get money from my mother then go see docter wha the dcocter fierece i say wan see he shout at me.....saying that maybe i will faint then the fees is $40!!! then got mc so if u read this today tmr i will not come then come home type all this so slow... kk bb next time tell me more my finger all pain liao even the 6 finger
with loves, 5:17 PM


July 2009
August 2009
September 2009


This is my blog please respect it.
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You hate it,shoo and don't come back.


Eugene Soh
Eugene is his name, and Soh is his surname. He loves Mickey Mouse a lot which explains his blogskin. Canberra Primary is where he makes friends and learns ABC. 27 June is when God made him alive.

- Get high score for PSLE and get into a good school
- Real life Mickey Mouse




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